NIF is moving along!

As is mentioned many times on this site, NIF is a website working to share anything that someone obsessed with fashion might be interested in seeing. This is a site for learning, for soaking in as much fashion anything as possible, for expanding your own individual presence as a fashion addict.

I have recently posted some new internships I have found, new fashion-focused websites, and new fashion schools.

If you are a fashion addict/fashion student/fashion professional, click the Are You NIF? page and contact me so I can interview you for the site! I would love to share your experience, expertise, or even your fashion-focused website/blog/store whatever.

NIF Takes Baby Steps

I’ve heard throughout my life… just do it in baby steps.

Well you know what? That is what I am going to have to do for now.

This is what you have to look forward to (a slow progression of course):

  • Home– Updates on this website project
  • Schools– VERY slowly but surely I will get some postings in here about schools you might want to look into if you are considering a career in the fashion industry.
  • Interviews– Interviews of professionals working in the industry, faculty that are teaching the future of the industry & current students working their way up to the top of the industry.
  • Finds- Here I will share everything that I’ve found to be helpful when looking into the world of fashion. This is where you can really help me out! If you know of a blog, website, book, or  even Youtube video that girls looking to get into the industry should know about… send me an email (
  • Internships-I will share any internship opportunities that I find & I hope you will share them as well… email to
  • Contact Me– If there are other topics you would like me to cover, comments or questions, please send me an email:

Okay, enough updating.
