Interview: Howard University, PR/Fashion Merchandising Student

Fashion School: Howard University, Washington D.C.
Future Fashion Professional: Lauren-Paige Woulard
Major: Public Relations; Minor: Fashion Merchandising
Graduation Year: Dec 2010
Hometown: New Orleans, Louisiana
Her Site: (Lauren is the Style Editor)

Ms. Lauren Woulard, Howard University

NIF: Why fashion?

LW: I chose fashion because it is the one thing that I think about 24/7. Ever since I was little I would look through fashion magazines and try to emulate the fashions I saw. It was kind of the one place that I felt I belonged.

NIF: When did you first realize you had a passion for fashion?

LW: I knew from an early age. Like I said earlier, I would beg my mom to buy me fashion magazines (until I could buy them myself), and spend hours playing dress-up. Everything about fashion just intrigued me-the way a person could be anyone they wanted to be through their clothes. As I grew older and really learned more about the industry, I knew that this is where I had to be. I constantly have so many ideas that run through my head –from fashion ensembles to different photo shoot ideas; it’s like I think about fashion even when I’m sleeping!!!

NIF: What is your favorite element of the fashion industry? (ex: product, designer, career, store…)

LW: My favorite element of the fashion industry would have to be PR. Not only because that’s what I want to do, but I love that it encompasses so many different things and job functions. You really learn how to do everything-not just one thing.

NIF: What is your proudest accomplishment thus far in your life?

LW: My proudest accomplishment is just making it this far and getting that much closer to my dream. When I was younger, I never would’ve thought that the day would come where I would ACTUALLY be starting my career, but I’m just so proud of myself for grinding so hard and really putting myself out there. I would’ve never gotten these internships and opportunities had I not taken a chance, and just went for what I wanted.

NIF: What are the top 3 reasons you chose to attend Howard University?

Click Here to Read More about Lauren’s Fashion Experience at Howard U!

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